Sensitive Skin and Cancer
Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) in a cell's DNA. Some of these changes may be inherited from our parents, while others may be caused by outside exposures, which are often referred to as environmental factors.
Most epidemiologists and cancer researchers agree that environmental factors contribute to cancer risk of about 80-90%.
By environmental factors they mean improper diet, lack of physical activity, usage of tobacco and alcohol, exposure to radiation (cosmic rays, radon, X Ray), infectious agents, chemicals in the air, soil and water (pollution), household and work place chemicals.
Substances and exposures that can lead to cancer are called carcinogens. These substances not necessarily change the DNA structure but rather modify the cells' metabolic rate. These modifications ultimately can lead to changes in DNA structure.
Exposure to radiation or chemicals of different sort can build overtime a sensitivity of your body towards cancer by elevating the percentage of free radicals. Free radicals are very reactive molecules, which can oxidized a high range of organic molecules from our metabolic pathways. Being oxidized, these molecules cannot be recognized by their subsequent enzymes leading to changes in metabolic reactions. As strange as it seems chemical skin care regimen can also increase the concentration of free radicals in skin and from there through the body. The first alarming skin issue that you have to face your self is skin sensitivity. The skin completely "refuses" to accept chemicals through its pores and react by redness, tingling, irritation and itchiness.
This is a moment that everybody has to say: Enough I'm going to change my lifestyle!
This starts with a proper diet plenty of vitamins and minerals from fruits and colored vegetables, especially those who are plenty of natural antioxidants (protectors against free radicals) such as: carotenes, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, flavonoids. Studies suggest that people who eat vegetables and fruits my lower their risk to different type of cancer. The same regimen has to be applied to your skin: nourishes it with natural vitamins, minerals and apply creams plenty of natural antioxidants. Sun exposure especially to UVA rays has to be minimal. Recent studies showed that UVA contribute to skin cancer formation.
Another cause of sensitive skin is due to the treatment of cancer patients. Radiation and other cancer treatments make the skin become dry and irritated, followed by rashes, itchiness and blotching. You need to use gentle formulations specially designated for sensitive skin, away of harsh chemicals. Don't use chemical preservatives with longer self life . They can not break in small compounds and subsequently eliminated. They can be deposited in your skin and poisoned it. Look for gentle formulations skin care products, which are made of a mixture of vegetable oils and organic herbs. The products will not only deep moisturize the skin but also will soothe and comfort the skin. The skin will benefit from their minerals, vitamins and natural antioxidants. As the antioxidants are easily absorbed through your skin your entire body can take advantage from them. In addition, herbal extracts contain a lot of flavonoids, which are very beneficial for cancer patients. In case of strong radiation treatment a natural wound healing cream for your skin side effects would be beneficial.
In conclusion: Sensitive skin when appears due to an improper diet, environmental factors, or cancer has to be treated with natural products free of chemicals. In this way is more likely to achieve a healthy skin free of active radicals and chemical deposits.
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