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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Treatment Options For Skin Cancer

Most people are unable to treat skin cancer on time because they do not come to know that they have skin cancer. Certain outgrowths, moles and discoloration on the skin are taken as normal skin problems. When someone is confirmed about his or her illness related to skin cancer, the panic starts.

However, there is absolutely no need to panic about skin cancer as there are a lot of treatments available.

First and foremost, you need to speak to your skin doctor to determine the actual problem you are suffering from. Your physicians would like to take details regarding a lot of events related to you such as your age, medical history, extent of the disease, tolerance for a certain medication, therapy or procedure and your overall opinion for the problem that exists.

- There are many treatment options available for skin cancer. Here is a list of some great treatment options which will be considered:

a) Surgery

b) Radiation therapy

c) Electrochemo therapy

d) Immunotherapy

e) Hyperthermia

f) Photodynamic therapy

g) Nutritional therapy

h) Pain management

i) Naturopathy

j) Psycho-neuroimmunology

k) Spiritual support therapy

l) Biological therapy

Let us discuss the therapies mentioned above in detail:

a) Surgery

Surgery is the oldest existing form of treatment for skin cancer. The treatment eliminates the tumor as well as certain adjacent healthy tissues. This stops the cancer from spreading further. Some doctors also use skin peel such as the TCA skin peel that has been quite effective in treating skin cancer.

There are different types of surgeries used to treat skin cancer such as cryosurgery, electro-desiccation and curettage, grafting, laser therapy, Mohs micrographic surgery, simple excision. Cryosurgery is used to freeze the tumor. This helps in exterminating cancer cells. Electro-desiccation and curettage burns the lesion and eliminates it with a sharp instrument. Grafting is another type of surgery where a skin graft is used to replace damaged skin while removing the cancer.

The Mohs micrographic surgery is helpful in removing the cancer. A microscope is used to inspect the cancerous area in order to ensure that none of the cancer cells are present. The process of simple excision cutting the cancer from the skin and some of the healthy tissue round it.

b) Radiation therapy

This is a therapy that emits X-rays in order to exterminate cancer cells and also to shrink tumors. The therapy is conducted with the help of a radiation machine. It can be applied to any part of the body successfully to get good results.

c) Electro-chemotherapy

This therapy uses a combination of chemotherapy as well as electrical pulses in order to treat cancer.

d) Chemotherapy

This therapy for skin cancer treats by providing several cancer fighting drugs in the body. These drugs tend to exterminate cancer cells via hampering their development and regeneration.

e) Immunotherapy

It treats skin cancer via enhancing the immune system of the body with certain doses of tumor vaccines, interferon-Alfa and interleukins-2.

f) Photo-dynamic therapy

It is a new cancer therapy. An injection of photofrin is given to the patient once the cancer cell is subject to a laser beam.

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Tips For Preventing Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a dangerous disease. It is important to get it checked as soon as you discover some of the symptoms that indicate skin cancer. However, as the experts have always said, 'prevention is better than cure.' You should focus on prevention skin cancer from attacking your skin. There are several ways to prevent skin cancer.

First and foremost, you should take special care to limit your exposure to Ultra Violet rays of the sun. Exposure of skin to these rays increases the risk of developing skin cancer. You must avoid going out in the sun between 11: 00 a.m. and 4: 00 p.m. If you have to go out in the sun, make sure that you take necessary precaution to protect yourself from the harmful ultra-violet rays of sun.

Apply a good sunscreen with high SPF or sun protection factor. Try to apply sun screen generously before going out in the sun. Don't forget to reapply the sunscreen after every half an hour.

A lot of studies in this regard have proved that applying a good sunscreen can prevent skin cancer. Try to dress in dark colors. Also wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and surrounding tissues from absorbing the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun.

Most people are under a notion that a tanning bed can be safe option. This is a wrong notion. A tanning bed can prove to be more dangerous than exposing your skin to sun's rays. The best method is to use a sunless tanning lotion. You can purchase it from any of the local department store. It is available in different varieties for different skin types. However, remember that a sunless tan lotion will not provide you SPF protection. You need to see the label in order to make sure that a sunless tan lotion is providing an SPF.

When it comes to skin cancer, anyone can develop skin cancer. It does not attack any particular age, race or skin type. The disease also does not spread according to a particular geographical location. However, certain skin types are more vulnerable to skin cancer as compared to others. People with fair skin, light hair and light eye color or a large number of moles or freckles are more vulnerable to skin cancer.

If some one in your family suffers from skin cancer. It is more likely that you may develop this disease.

Here are some tips to prevent skin cancer:

• Tip 1

You should know about the genetic factor such as fair skin, light-colored eyes, a lot of moles or freckles or even a tendency to develop sun burn easily.

• Tip 2

Do not spend a lot of time outdoors. If you had a serious sun burn at a certain point in your life, went to a tanning salon or used a tanning bed, you may develop skin cancer. Visit a skin specialist as a precautionary step.

• Tip 3

Always use sunscreen and lip balm when going outside. Make sure that you wear protective clothing and good quality sunglasses.

• Tip 4

Have a diet rich in antioxidants as it will support your immune system.

• Tip 5

Avoid sun tanning, tanning beds or tanning salons.

• Tip 6

Keep checking your body regularly for any moles lesions or skin irregulation.

Limit exposure to reflective surfaces such as snow, water, concrete and sand. Remember that water activities can increases exposure to reflective UV rays.

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Foods That Help During Skin Cancer Treatment

When undergoing skin cancer treatment, it is important to take special care of diet you take. However, in most cases, it becomes very difficult to focus on eating the right type of foods when undergoing cancer treatments. It becomes more difficult when you undergo radiation treatment or chemotherapy.

This therapy may dramatically affect your appetite. You need for counseling so that you can get proper nutritional supplements to make you feel stronger and feel faster during the treatment of skin cancer.

Here are certain foods and supplements to help you eat properly during skin cancer treatment:

a) Vitamin C

You should focus on eating foods rich in Vitamin C. Eat a lot of broccoli, spinach as well as citrus fruits. You should also consult your doctor about the fact whether taking a good amount of vitamin C will help. Experts believe that vitamin C speeds up the healing
process soon after biopsy or an excision.

b) Vitamin A and D supplements

Eating foods rich in vitamin A and D will help a lot in your skin cancer treatment. Since people undergoing skin cancer are forbidden to go under direct sunlight, supplements for vitamin D become an important addition to the diet.

c) Fruits and Vegetables
You should eat a lot of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Also drink a lot of water. Any amount of dehydration in the body can prove harmful, if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments. This can eventually result in serious side effects such as dry itchy skin, acne, rashes and peeling.

d) Raw food

Experts feel that eating raw food helps in treating a lot of disease. It also helps in enhancing the effects of skin cancer treatment. Raw foods are expert in killing cancer cells. When food is cooked, about 100% of all enzymes in a food are killed. This is because most foods contain necessary enzymes required to digest the food. Cooking food burdens body and disrupts many items reaching the body. Cooking food actually damage, the overall value of the food in several ways. Hence, it is important to eat vegetables in raw forms.

e) Juice Vegetables and Fruits

There are several benefits of juicing vegetables and fruits. First and foremost, juicing allows the nutrients more digestible and removes obstructing fibers. Another main advantage is that when you juice fruits and vegetables, you tend to have a lot more vegetables and fruits than normally. Juices play vital role in treating skin cancer.

f) Specific Vegetable Juices

Certain vegetable juices are very healthy and helpful in treating skin cancer. You may also go for vegetable juice by mixing carrot juice, beetroot juice, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

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