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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't Ignore Skin Cancer Warning Signs

As we move toward beach season, we'll all be spending more time outdoors and raising our chances of joining the ranks of the 1 million people the American Cancer Society tells us are diagnosed with skin cancer each year, which is why it's vital not to ignore skin cancer warning signs.

Experts firmly believe many of these cancers are sun related, which means there are things you can do, even in the summer or at the beach, to protect yourself and those you love from this most common of cancers.

Our skin is actually the largest organ of the body, covering the internal organs, protecting them from harm and offering a barrier against infection. Skin also helps regulate your body temperature and gets rid of extra water and salts.

Some skin cells are known to communicate with the brain to help sense temperature, touch and pain.

When it comes to skin cancer, there are three classifications - basal cell, squamous cell, or the more serious (and deadly) melanoma.

Both basal and squamous cell cancers are found mostly on parts of the body regularly exposed to the sun - the head, neck, earlobes and such.

They happen most often in those who spend, or have spent, lots of time in the sun.

While these forms of skin cancer aren't fatal, you still need to have them taken care of because they can invade, and disfigure, nearby tissues.

Melanomas are another story.

These cancers can show up anywhere on the body - more likely on the trunk and legs.

Those with darker skin tones can have this form of cancer on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands where the pigment is lighter.

The danger of this form of skin cancer is that it often goes too long undetected, and so has a chance to spread.

Your best bet when it comes to avoiding skin cancer is to stay out of intense sunlight for long periods, and be sure to practice sun safety no matter what season it is.

This doesn't mean you can't enjoy time out in the sun, but avoid the most intense hours from 10:00 in the morning to well after 2:00 (some say as late as 4:00) in the afternoon.

A bit of sun is fine and needed to boost your levels of vitamin D, but too much is when trouble can start.

When it comes to sunscreen or lip balm, look for SPF of 15 or more, and use a generous amount when you first apply. Be sure to reapply your product every 2 to 4 hours, or after you go swimming, towel dry or sweat profusely.

Experts warn that you should never skip sunscreen on hazy or overcast days - UV rays go right through clouds.

When you're considering sunscreen products, look beyond the SPF number at the expiration dates of any product you buy and make sure you follow the application directions.

If you'll be in the water a lot, the waterproof formulas are better than water resistant brands. And remember, a higher SPF number relates only to UVB rays and can work just as well as a lower number, applied properly.

You may see products that claim to provide both UVA and UVB ray protection, but according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, "At this time there is no standard system for measuring protection from UVA rays."

Beyond wearing sunscreen and avoiding the most intense hours of sunlight, here are some other helpful suggestions for protecting yourself from skin cancer.

- Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from cataracts, as well as melanoma of the eye or skin caner at the temples. Look for UVA/UVB protection of 99 to 100%.

- Look for shade that casts a shadow, or cover up with a tee or sweats.

- Consider sun protection clothing that's tightly knit and is typically coated with substances able to absorb UV rays.

- Do a skin check once a month that covers your whole body and look for anything skin change, or a mole that's Asymmetrical, has irregular Borders, Color or Diameter. Being familiar with the blemishes of your body helps you spot changes, and get treatment early, when cure rates are high.

- Stay away from using tanning beds (or sun lamps) on a regular basis, the lamps used in the beds send out UVA (and UVB sometimes) rays in concentrated doses, accelerating the total UV radiation. What happens is that you end up with skin cancer at an earlier age. This increases the risk of getting skin cancer at an early age.

If you're determined to have that sun kissed look, self tanners are a safe, effective way to get it.

These products often contain SPF as well, so you get a bronzed glow that has you looking thinner and healthier, while also offering good protection for your skin, and hopefully keeping you and your loved ones free of skin cancer warning signs.

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Melanoma Skin Cancer - If You Thought Moles Were the Only Symptom, Then You Had Better Read This

Malignant Melanoma can be cured in 95% of cases if detected early (this is what I have been told). That last part is the real kicker. EARLY!

I am here to tell you that moles are not the only source of this deadly skin cancer. I am not a doctor, that will spill out all kinds of facts and figures and percentages, but a grieving sister.

I lost my brother this past April to Melanoma Skin Cancer, and I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep a check on your own body. After all we are responsible for our own health. My brother was only 48 years old, but was a redhead with fair skin, he knew about the signs and symptoms and risks of melanoma, and how to watch for changing moles.

But what happened to him, was a little different. He noticed a small thin cut on his thigh while in the shower. He couldn't remember cutting himself, but he said it was almost like a thin paper cut. The next day, it started to form an ugly scab. He thought nothing of it, until the scab got a bit more 3D looking, and dark, then it came off and started all over again.

He ignored this as a cut that was having trouble healing.. he just kept spraying it with antiseptic spray, after all, it didn't even hurt and had no redness. He left it for a very long time, until finally he got fed up with his jeans irritating it and went to the doctor to get antibiotics for what he thought was an infected cut.

The doctor sent him immediately for a biopsy, and that is when he found out about melanoma and how cuts that don't heal are another sign, he always thought it was just moles. His came back stage 4, and after further tests, the melanoma had already spread to other internal organs. Melanoma cancer does not respond to typical cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, and there was not much that could be done at this stage.

If he had of gone within that first month, he may have had a chance.. but we will never know now. He burned a lot as a kid, and like the rest of us from that era, we burned and baked to get that "glow". It is important to use sunscreen, and check your skin regularly for changes.. In the end, your skin health is up to you and no one else. and it is not just moles... ANY changes in your skin are worth investigating further.

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The Lowdown on Skin Cancer

Skin is our largest organ and one that is not immune to developing cancerous cells. Skin cancer develops when damaged cells start growing and dividing uncontrollably in the skin. This form of cancer is the most prevalent with more than one million cases in the United States diagnosed each year. Here we will cover some of the commonly asked questions.

What Are The Different Forms of Skin Cancer?

There are different types of skin cancer with three forms accounting for almost all of the diagnosed cases. They are:

• Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)- Accounting for nearly 80% of skin cancer, BCC develops in the basal cells which are located in the lowest layer of the epidermis. It is commonly found on areas of the body regularly exposed to the sun such as your face, head and upper body. Signs of BCC include skin that appears as a sore that repeatedly heals and re-opens, a slightly elevated pink growth, patch of irritated skin that is red in color and/or shiny translucent skin. This type of cancer does not commonly spread but should be treated to protect surrounding tissue.

• Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)- Found in the uppermost layers of the epidermis, SCC cancer affects squamous cells. Long term exposure to the sun can result in this form of cancer in middle to elderly aged individuals. The skin may appear to have an inflamed base with a crusty or scaly area over the base. While this cancer is most commonly found on areas of the body exposed to the sun, it can be found anywhere. Early detection and treatment can prevent this form of cancer from spreading.

• Melanoma- The most dangerous and lethal form of skin cancer, this form accounts for only 4% of diagnosed cases. Melanoma readily spreads to other areas of your body such as your lymph system or other internal organs. Most commonly found in moles either pre-existing or new, melanoma has a 95% cure rate if caught in time for treatment. It is important that you are aware of any moles on your body and what they look like so you can spot changes in existing moles or the appearance of new moles. Undetected and untreated, melanoma becomes very difficult to treat and can result in death.

Who Gets Skin Cancer?

To be quite honest, anyone can get any type of cancer. There are however certain individuals who are at a higher risk than others. The following factors play a role in the likelihood of developing skin cancer:

• Individuals who are fair-skinned or burn easily.

• People who use tanning devices.

• Genetics or family history of the disease.

• Certain occupational exposures, i.e. coal tar, pitch, creosote, arsenic or radium.

• Excessive exposure to UV radiation.

Exposure to the sun is the leading cause of cancer which makes protecting your skin from sun exposure vitally important.

Can You Prevent Cancer?

Yes, you can take precautions that lower your risk of developing skin cancer. Take all effort to reduce your exposure to sun and other controllable risk factors. This includes wearing SPF 15 or higher sunscreen everyday in addition to sunglasses and brimmed hats to shield your face from the sun. If at all possible avoid exposing your skin to sunlight during the peak of the day (10am-4pm) and give up tanning beds as they can also damage your skin.

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Non Melanomatous Skin Cancer in Ireland

Skin cancer can be divided into two main groups:

Malignant melanoma and
Non-melanoma skin cancer.

Malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma is the rarest, but most serious form. It affects the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) found in the skin and can appear as a new mole, or arise from an existing mole on the skin. Malignant melanoma has the potential to spread to other sites or organs within the body but is curable if treated early. Each year about 235 females and 150 males are diagnosed with malignant melanoma in Ireland.

Non-melanoma skin cancers (Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma)

Non-melanoma skin cancers are far more common but less dangerous than malignant melanoma and rarely fatal. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma frequently appear on sun-exposed skin after many years of exposure. This exposure also causes premature ageing of the skin. Non-malignant skin cancers are easily treated by minor surgery. If left, non-melanoma skin cancers will grow and disfigure - therefore early treatment is recommended. Each year about 7,500 people are diagnosed with non-melanomatous skin cancers in Ireland with 3445 in females, 3889 in males.

Basal cell carcinomas

Squamous cell carcinomas

Solar keratoses (actinic)
Solar keratoses develop on skin which has been damaged by long term sun exposure. Usually many are present and can appear as hard, scaly lumps. Some become unsightly as they slowly grow larger. The skin underneath solar keratoses can vary in colour from a normal fleshy shade to pink or red. Sometimes these skin lesions can become itchy. Common sites are the face, backs of hands, forearms, ears, scalp and neck. Solar keratoses are not skin cancers. However, a very small percentage can develop into a skin cancer in later life. Some specialists regard solar keratoses as precursors to skin cancer, therefore it is important to seek medical advice on treatment.

- Solar keratoses appear as hard scaly lumps on the skin. They may crust but do not heal.
- Solar keratoses can be rough, scaly irregular patches which are easily felt but not clearly seen.
- Often they are not troublesome in anyway but do not heal.
- Some are very troublesome, if present on the lips or nose as they tend to bleed spontaneously.

Solar keratoses are most frequently treated by freezing using Liquid Nitrogen (Cryotherapy) or by applying a treatment cream. Some larger lesions may be removed by minor surgery under local anaesthesia. Treatment is usually carried out on an out-patient basis with the minimum disruption to your daily routine. All treatments aim to cure. The most appropriate treatment depends on the size, site and number of solar keratoses. Solar keratoses seldom recur following treatment but others may develop over the years.

Who is most at risk of developing skin cancer?.

People with very fair skin are most at risk of developing skin cancer. Those who cannot develop a tan are most at risk of malignant melanoma, but everyone is at risk of being sunburnt, especially indoor employees, children and babies. Malignant melanoma is more common in females. Non-melanoma skin cancers are most frequently seen in older age groups and outdoor workers who have a continuous all-year tan. The incidence of skin cancer is rapidly rising in the young adult population.

Are skin cancers treatable?

Both malignant melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers are curable if treated in the early stages. A minor surgical procedure is all that is usually required to remove cancers of the skin. Regular inspection of skin and moles at home helps in recognising any abnormal skin lesions or changing moles. Change in size, shape and colour of a mole are the early warning signs of malignant melanoma, the most dangerous form of these skin cancer, because it can quickly metastasise to other parts of the body. However, if is detected soon after if first develops, it is curable by simple surgical excision. In Ireland, over 375 cases of melanoma are reported each year and up to 60 Irish people will die of this disease.

The most common form of skin cancer in Ireland is basal cell carcinoma BCC, of which over 3,500 new cases are reported each year. These numbers are almost halfed between male and female and the incidence shows a small increase over the past six years. This cancer very rarely spreads to other organs but if left undetected, will continue to grow slowly, and may invade the underlying tissues. Again, this tumour is curable by surgery or radiotherapy. The third type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma SCC, which often develops from a solar keratosis or sunspot. If it is not treated early, it may spread to other parts of the body, but is again curable before that occurs by either surgery or radiotherapy. About 600 females and 1,000 males develop squamous cell carcinoma in Ireland each year. The other cancers include those of baso-squamous (mixed) carcinomas and other morphologies.

Sunshine is the single most important causative factor for all skin cancers.

Ultra-violet rays contained in sunshine are known to be harmful and can cause skin cancers. The increase in skin cancers in Ireland has been linked with the desire to have a tan, with repeated sunburn, fair skin types and genetic factors, such as number of moles.

Malignant melanoma is associated with frequent high intensity sun exposure. Whereas non-melanoma skin cancers are caused by long-term exposure to low intensity sunshine. The amount of sun exposure during childhood and frequency of sunburn are now believed to increase the risk of developing skin cancers in adult life. It is therefore most important to protect all children from intense sunshine. Hats, T-shirts and sunscreens are recommended at home, at school and on holiday.

Providing protection against the sun

Sunscreens are vital whenever exposed to strong sunlight, at home as well as abroad. Always reapply sunscreens after water sports, games or exercise. Children play outdoors during the hottest part of the day whilst at school, therefore it is wise to apply an SPF 15+ to your children before they go to school. Emulsions such as Anthelios XL contain aluminium hydroxide and can be used with infants and with highly intolerant skin. ROC make a rnumber of products in the MINESOL™ range, including mineral sunblock cream SPF 40, which is recommended for babies in case of inevitable exposure. This particular 100% mineral screen cream has a pleasant and almost invisible texture. During sunny periods liberal sunscreen application should become a daily routine each morning before dressing or 15 minutes before going out in the sun. Heatwaves in Ireland are not uncommon, therefore sunscreens are useful in handbags and first-aid boxes. It is important to apply sunscreens as recommended by the manufacturer. Most sunscreens identify a sun protection factor (SPF) which can range from SPF - SPF60+. The SPF is calculated by each manufacturer for their own particular product so it is important to remember that SPF may differ between brands of sunscreen. All sun protection factors are based on how long it takes for unprotected skin to burn (average length of time = 10 minutes). For example, if you use SPF 15+ the protection offered would last approximately 2-3 hours i.e. (10 minutes X 15 =150 minutes). The SPF is a rough guide only, therefore care and attention should be given to skin type, the strength of the rays or sunshine, time of day, season and latitude from the equator. Many products including Antherpos or Uvistat Lip screen or MINESOL™ Sun stick SPF 20 offer lip protection especially in people who are prone to recurrent herpes labialitis.

Sunbeds and solariums

Ultraviolet radiation (UVA rays) emitted from sunbeds and solariums is now known to have harmful effects on skin. Suncreams and Lotions such as Uvistat contain chemical agents and titanium dioxide and are UVA protectants. Excessive use of sunbeds can cause rapid ageing of the skin, long term damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. There is no such thing as a safe tan. Many people today use sunbeds to develop or maintain a tan. Some people believe that a suntan from a sunbed is a safe tan. Skin specialists say a tan is a sign of skin damage and advise everyone to avoid the use of sunbeds and solariums. This is especially important for the very fair skinned and persons under the age of sixteen. Likewise, persons with skin cancer or those with a family history of skin cancer should never use sunbeds or solariums.

NMS cancer statistics for Ireland

* Average of 7334 new cases per year, 1994-96: 3445 in females, 3889 in males.

* Average of 40 deaths per year: 10 in females, 30 in males.

* Age-standardised incidence rates about 48% higher in males than females.

* By far the most common type of cancer in both females and males.

* Recorded incidence rates higher in Republic of Ireland (RoI) than in Northern Ireland (NI), by about 16% for females and 26% for males, but this possibly reflects differences in registration practice.

On average each year, 3445 new cases of malignant non-melanoma skin cancer (NMS) were registered in females, 3889 in males, in Ireland as a whole. NMS cases (primarily squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas) were by far the most common category of cancer in both females and males (29% of all malignant cancer cases).

European-age-standardised rates were significantly higher among males than females, by about 48%. On average, females were estimated to have a 1-in-12 chance of developing these cancers by age 74, males a 1-in-8 chance. Median age at diagnosis was 72 years for females and 70 years for males. In the period 1994-96 only 10 deaths among females and 30 deaths among males were attributed to non-melanoma skin cancer each year. This represents about 1 death for every 200 incident cases, reflecting the fact that these cancers are rarely fatal. Reported mortality rates (EASRs) were significantly higher in males than females, by about 370% (95% confidence limits 200-645%), but inaccurate certification of causes of death may possibly contribute. On average, females were estimated to have a 1-in-6600 chance, males a 1-in-1600 chance, of dying from these cancers by age 74.

Comparison of incidence rates within Ireland

Recorded incidence rates of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMS) were significantly higher in RoI than in NI for both males and females. However, these differences may possibly reflect, in part, higher case ascertainment (completeness of registration) in RoI than NI, as a result of a more targeted effort to collate all NMS cases in RoI. Involvement of other factors cannot be excluded however.

Dr. Patrick Treacy is a cosmetic expert. He is Medical Director of Ailesbury Clinics Ltd and the global Cosmetic Medical Group. He is Chairman of the Irish Association of Cosmetic Doctors and is Irish Regional Representative of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors. He is European Medical Advisor to Network Lipolysis and the UK's largest cosmetic website Consulting Rooms. He practices cosmetic medicine in his clinics in Dublin, Cork, London and the Middle East.

Dr. Treacy is on the Specialist Register in the UK and Ireland and holds higher qualifications in Dermatology and Laser technology and skin resurfacing. He was amongst the first doctors worldwide to use the permanent facial endoprosthesis BioAlcamid for HIV Lipodystrophy patients. He was also the first person to introduce many techniques such as Radiofrequency assisted lasers, Fibroblast transplant and Contour Threads to Irish patients.

Dr. Treacy is an advanced aesthetic trainer and has trained over 300 doctors and nurses from around the world. He is also a renowned international guest speaker and features regularly on national television and radio programmes. He was invited to speak about stem cells and cosmetic medicine at the World Aesthetic Conference in Moscow this year.

The Irish College of Cosmetic Doctors
The British Association of Cosmetic Doctors
The British Medical Laser Association
The American Society for Aesthetic Medicine
The American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery The European Society of Laser Dermatology
The European Society for Dermatological Surgery (ESDS)
The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
The International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology

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