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Friday, June 25, 2010

Exactly What Are the Actual Facts Regarding Skin Cancer

One of the most common forms of cancer nowadays is skin cancer, or more accurately, the three cancers associated with the skin since there are 3 major types of this cancer.

The most commonly seen and least harmful is what is known as a rodent ulcer ( or basal cell carcinoma). Then we see a skin cancer named Squamous cell carcinoma. Last but not least we come to what I would have to say is the most recognized type of skin cancer referred to as malignant melanoma. This third form is the most lethal but mercifully also the rarest sort of skin cancer.

Despite the fact that malignant melanoma is rare, considering that it is the most hazardous, it is worthwhile having a brief look at precisely what it is. This particular kind of cancer is responsible for approximately 1% of cancers and is a tumor in the cells which create melanin and which are known as melancytes. Melanin is the pigment which produces your sun tan and which gives your skin the color it has usually. It is additionally the agent that accounts for the color of your hair and eyes which means that malignant melanoma can also affect the eyes and not just the skin.

It is comforting to discover that for now at least skin melanomas are very rare in children but, because 50 % of all the sun exposure which the skin receives occurs before the age of 18 and, considering the time it needs to grow, it is critical to prevent your kids from getting too much sun.

Because of rising pollution, the diminishing ozone layer and additional knowledge about what UV rays can actually do, there is a growing acknowledgment that exposure to the sun can be extremely bad for us and that we really need to safeguard ourselves from these UV rays. It is clear that it is the sun that is leading to these problems since the number of individuals with skin cancer varies based on country. For example, tropical countries with a large Caucasian population show the highest occurrence of skin cancer. Countries like South Africa and Australia, together with the southern American states, with lots of sunshine and Caucasian populations display skin cancer incidences that are directly proportionate with the amount of sunlight and the size of the Caucasian population.

Deeper skin types like those found in individuals with an Asian or African American background receive more protection against the sunlight on account of their darker skin coloring.

UV light is part of sunlight and it is that element that causes the problem. UV light comes in different forms although they are all basically harmful for light skin and especially for babies and children who are very much at risk because their skin is thinner than adults.

Over the past 40 years the instances of skin cancer have doubled every 10 years. This fits with the arrival of cheap vacations to sunnier parts of the world and now that such vacations are so widely available and sunbathing has become such a popular past time, cases are going to continue this rise unless individuals start to take the appropriate safeguards to prevent getting burnt by UV rays from the sun.

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Skin Surgery - How to Prepare Yourself

Knowing how to prepare for skin cancer surgery, from biopsies and surgery to chemotherapy and radiation treatments, may be instrumental in minimising the time it takes to heal.

Being prepared both physically and mentally for skin treatments can reduce hindrances and recurrences, and possibly amend your chances for survival.

How to Prepare Yourself for a Skin Treatment

The first thing you should do is inform your doctor before a biopsy of any condition that may modify the results, like pregnancy or presence of anti-inflammatory medications such as prednisone. Taking aspirin too can alter a test result, as it can thin the blood of your body.

The next thing is starting an exercise plan before beginning any skin treatment for cancer. By improving your strength and endurance skills, you can easily increase the chances of a quicker recovery, as well as fewer complications involved in it. It has been proved that walking is beneficial.

You must consult your doctor whether or not to take large doses of vitamin C during your exercise regimen. Vitamin C can beef up your blood vessels and can add to general skin health. Besides this, many people feel that vitamin C may speed up the healing process as well. Request a vitamin C drip in your IV during surgery, which can be very useful.

By reducing the pre-treatment stress by doing deep-breathing exercises is also helpful in making you feel relaxed.

You must opt for an herbal cleanse in order to prepare yourself for a skin cancer surgery. There are many people who feel that a colon or parasites cleanse can help in reducing the harmful bacteria from your body, which can otherwise cause infections during treatment.

It is useful to consult your doctor before taking any herbal medicine; however, some may interact with prescription medication.

You should follow up with your healthcare team after the treatments and should let them know which preparations benefited you the most, so that they can share the information with other patients as well.

Talk to various experts and learn from them what will benefit you the most and what to avoid. Besides this, you can also talk to people who have already undergone this surgery.

Not just this, friends, colleagues or neighbours who have gone through this treatment will let you know about the treatment in the best way.

Apart from this, who can ignore internet sites that let you know each and everything? Check various testimonials and talk to people online who have undergone the surgery or know people who have undergone the same.

Preparing yourself mentally is the most important thing before undergoing the skin treatment. Though it will take a lot of time and guts in order to prepare your mind, but once you are able to control your mind, no fear can ever stop you from anything.

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Skin Cancer - Different Types, Different Coverage

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, affecting millions of people yearly. Like many cancers, however, it comes in multiple varieties. Of the three primary skin cancers-basal-cell carcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, and melanoma-only melanoma is typically lethal. Knowing what type of skin cancer is crucial both for treatment and for paying for your medical bills.

The most common skin cancer is also the least deadly: basal-cell carcinoma. It rarely spreads or causes serious health issues, but doctors remove it to be on the safe side. The removal procedure is far less complex and expensive than treatment for serious cancers. If you have insurance, your insurance will likely cover the treatment. If you do not, and if you are eligible for health or retirement benefits from Social Security, you may be able to receive help for your medical expenses.

Squamous-cell carcinoma is less common than basal-cell and slightly more dangerous. Although it has been known to spread through the patient's body, that happens very rarely and is still much more easily treated than many other cancers. Even when it spreads, squamous-cell carcinoma is not as aggressive as many cancers.

Melanoma, by far the most lethal kind of skin cancer, is the rarest. Yet when it does develop, it can be one of the most difficult to treat and deadliest cancers. If it is caught early, melanoma can be removed surgically and medications can prevent it from spreading. But if a patient wants too long, it can spread and quickly become terminal. For melanoma, as with all cancers, early detection is key.

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Does Removing a Mole Decrease Skin Cancer Risks?

One of the most talked about risks for developing skin cancer besides excessive exposure to the sun is having moles. Many people are afraid that because they have moles they are at a higher risk for skin cancer.

It is true that having more than the average amount of moles, or having atypical moles (dysplastic nevi or moles larger than a pencil eraser) does increase your risk for skin cancer it's not all that comes into play and there are steps you can take to decrease certain risk factors you have.

While you cannot change your skin type (fair, medium, or dark skinned,) your family history of skin cancer, or reverse the sunburns you've had in the past you can take safe, effective steps and decrease your risk.

One of course is limiting your exposure to the sun, especially during the hottest part of the day. But if you're concerned with having a large number of moles or atypical moles is there anything you can do?

Yes, there is. Consider having moles removed by a professional or by using all natural mole removal methods. If you have lots of moles that are regularly exposed to the sun or a few larger ones that are exposed to sunlight often you may want to consider all natural mole removal methods to get rid of them.

It is important to explore all of the all natural mole removal methods out there, weigh the pro's and con's of removing the mole or moles, consult with a health care professional about the moles of concern, and then choose the method that you think will be best for you. (Remember, once the mole is gone the newly exposed skin will be sensitive to the sun too so protect it especially in the beginning.)

Many of the all natural mole removal methods and products on the market today are extremely effective in safely removing moles without leaving scars or producing nasty side effects.

If you are concerned about moles increasing your risks of skin cancer there is something you can do. While you can't change many of your risk factors this is one you can change. With proper research, valid information, and diligence you can remove your moles and decrease your risk for developing skin cancers.

I have personally struggled with moles and skin cancer and I'm only 25. Moles and skin cancer are risks for any age group and should always be checked out by a medical practitioner on a frequent basis. I am trying as best as possible to get more information out there about moles and their treatment. Either by a qualified dermatologist or with natural methods that you can do at home.

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Causes of Skin Cancer - How to Think Sun Smart For Skin Cancer Prevention

The Causes Of Skin Cancer - How To Think Sun Smart

The primary or number on cause of skin cancer is UV exposure or sun exposure. The sun creates powerful radiation rays that can damage the skin over time. Contrary to what you might have heard about needing to have been sunburned to develop skin malignancies, this is only part of the story. You don't need to have ever been sunburned during your life to develop this type of cancer. Being out in the sun on a regular basis causes changes in the skin that build up over your life time, and this is the cause of most skin malignancies.

The occurrences of skin malignancies especially melanoma have increased significantly since the 1070's, whether this is because of more people living more active lifestyles, global warming, or other factors it is a frightening trend.

Tanning beds which artificially mimic the suns deadly UV rays are another cause of cancer. New studies show that a person's risk of developing some forms of skin cancer soared upwards of 75 percent if they began using tanning beds for browning their skin before the age of 30. Secondary causes of skin cancer can be related to hereditary conditions that may run in families. This is not very common, but is due to the inheritance of abnormal genes.

Sun Smart Tips: Skin Cancer Prevention

Many people are exposed to ultraviolet rays on daily basis, and don't really think much about it. You jump in your car to run an errand, go out to the mail box to get the mail, walk the dog, pull a few weeds in the yard, stand by the window talking on the phone in your house, and you can shake your head yes now, most of you don't ever apply any sunscreen. These little daily doses of sun can really add up. That is not to say you should never go out in the sun, keep the drapes drawn, and garb yourself in a head to toe robe. The sun is miraculous and feels great, but you just need to think sun smart!

Prevention starts with being aware of your sun exposure on a daily basis. When going out in the sun it is important to remember that when outdoors you will be exposed to 2 types of solar ray UVA and UVB. Protecting yourself from both types can help prevent skin cancers, and early prevention now can: help prevent skin wrinkling, help prevent cataracts in your eyes, save you facial, body disfigurement, or loss of your life down the road.

Check the UV Index for the UV forecast Daily (Available Online or Newspaper)

1. Apply Sunscreen Daily Even For Short Trips In The Car
2. Carry Extra Sunscreen In Your Car, To Reapply Throughout the Day
3. Try To Limit Your Exposure During Midday Peak Hours
4. When Outdoors Find A Shady Spot
5. Choose & Wear Clothing Made From Tightly Woven Fabrics (No White T-Shirts). Choose Long-Sleeved Shirts And Pants, Or Clothing Designed For Outdoor Wear
6. Sporting Or Wearing A Hat With A Wide Brim That Protects The Eyes, Face, And Neck is not only cool, but can ward off wrinkles in the future.
7. Wear Sunglasses That Provide 100% UV Protection, and help prevent cataracts
8. Always Apply Broad Spectrum Sunscreens With SPF of 30 or Higher
9. Apply At Least A full Handful of Sunscreen On Any Part Of The Skin That Is Exposed To The Sun: (Face, The Back Of The Neck, Ears, Hands, Feet, Arms, Legs, Trunk of Body)
10. Don't Forget Your Lips Use A Lip Balms Containing Sunscreen.
11. Don't Rely On Umbrellas As They Offer minimal UV Protection Unless They Stated to be Made From SPF Materials.

This type of cancer which can be deadly if not treated early and correctly. If you have any lesions that are new, or have changed size, color, itch, or resemble sores that will not heal please see your doctor or make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Your skin is one of your most important assets, keeping it healthy should be a top priority!

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