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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer His Letter to a Younger Brother

I was told today I have Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer in my chest. That is all I know. They are wanting to operate as soon as passable, said something about April. That is all I know, tomorrow I'm going to start checking and talking to other Dr.'s, etc. Probably will not be anything, but I've had this on my chest for over a year.

I'm writing and sending you this information, hoping it will serve you and because you hold a very warm spot in my heart. To quote "God," The choice is yours and yours alone." With that, I'm sending you this information.

To sum up my philosophy of life, all that needs to be said, is strive to gain, "KNOWLEDGE." And through knowledge we work to develop "FAITH." These two ingredients, knowledge and faith, are all you really need to be happy in this life. It is my belief that these two things are what give us the quality of life we enjoy.

The past year has been one of the most demanding, both physically and mentally, I have ever experienced. Last June of '08, I was in an accident and smashed my neck, pretty bad. The rehab. has been the hardest thing I've ever experienced. Just when I started to get a handle on this thing, I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma cancer on both my arm and chest.

Through my knowledge and faith that I have developed through the years, I have chosen what some would consider an unconventional approach to curing my cancer. I provide all of this as a path, if it works and I'm cured than you will have it, if you need it.

If it turns out to be B.S., then you have lost nothing but some good reading time and the $19.95 price of a book. It is my hope that this information is brief, but a informative path to follow if you so decide, more of a "how to" direction on how I'm attempting to cure my cancer.

For me, this is a path of what I consider "KNOWLEDGE," started during my Ph.D. program with the study of Indian Medicine, my father's death of malignant melanoma cancer, and the individuals who have used this cure.

Let me first start, by sharing my feelings when I was told I had a malignant melanoma cancer. "It was identical to waking up my first morning in Vietnam as a combat marine, knowing I was in a life and death fight."

Cancerous cells are thought to have a special property called malignancy. This belief is based on scientific experiment, which show that when cells are cultured in a laboratory, they become malignant in an orderly progression from initiation. Transformation is irreversible. The tissue is now "malignant" and cannot be changed back.

This is accepted as a medical belief, today. Therefore, you have to cut it out or radiate it to death or chemically destroy every cancerous cell in the body since it can never become normal again.

Yes and NO, to me this is not an absolute. Through my studies and belief, cancer is caused by the "human intestinal fluke."

This parasite typically lives in the intestine where it might do little harm, causing only colitis, Crohns disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, or perhaps nothing at all. But if it invades a different organ, like the uterus or kidneys or liver, it does a great deal of harm.

If it establishes itself in the liver, it causes cancer. It only establishes itself in the liver in only some people. These people have "isopropyl alcohol" (often abbreviated IPA) in their bodies. All cancer patients (100%) have both "isopropyl alcohol and the intestinal flukes in their livers."

The solvent, isopropyl alcohol, is responsible for letting the fluke establish itself in the liver. In order to get cancer, you must have "both" the parasite and isopropyl alcohol in your body. In other words, purge the parasite "cure the cancer." There are clearly three things I must do:

1. Kill the parasite and all its stages.
2. Stop letting isopropyl alcohol into my body.
3. Flush out the metals, common toxins, and bacteria from my body so I can get well.

Again, I believe this to be the cause and cure to my cancer.

However, due to malignant melanoma cancer, being one of the most aggressive and fast moving cancers, I have chosen, to first use, what is called "Black Salve" from the "Bloodroot." As I mentioned I have two cancers, that I know of. One on my left forearm and one on my chest, left side.

I first placed a liberal amount of the Black Salve on the two affected areas. Covered with a piece of plastic material cut from a zip-lock bag and taped it down on the edges. This seemed to help get the process started a little faster by sealing off the air.

I let it remain covered for 24 hours. Most of the time, if there is a malignancy, you will feel a burning sensation with only one application. If no malignancy, then it will only slightly redden the skin. At the end of 24 hours remove covering and clean well with hydrogen peroxide on cotton (not ever rubbing alcohol).

.Repeat treatment every 24 hours. protecting it with a band-aid or what ever is appropriate for its size. When if forms a boil-like sore with a whitish or grayish circular area around the core then further treatment should not be nece3ssary. Keep it moist with Vaseline or Cloverine or any non healing salve.

At some point in time, five days or even two to three weeks the core will begin to loosen and it is essential that it not be disturbed to cause it to break loose prematurely. If it does it will leave live cells which will regrow at that site. The core will come loose by itself when the process is complete and there will be no sign of broken tentacles, etc., only a cavity the size of the tumor.

REMEMBER this is now an open wound, so watch for infection. The cavity will fill in very quickly and in most cases with little or no scarring. remember that you are not curing your cancer.

You are only removing a symptom just as the medical profession does, except that you are doing it less invasive in a more natural manner. Surgically removed tumors and flesh will not fill back in without plastic surgery.

However successful this removal might be, it has not cured the cause. You, and only you, can do that by a change of life-style, eliminating the toxins from wrong foods, foods contaminated by pesticides, preservatives and other harmful additives, water polluted with chlorine and fluoride, household cleansers, pharmaceutical drugs, formaldehyde impregnated materials in your home and clothing's, etc. and the list goes on. Read the book by Clark.

The formula for the "Black Salve:" 1/4 Powdered Bloodroot, 1/4 Galangal root, also powdered and 1/2 zinc chloride. Put zinc Chloride in bowl to liquefy - may take 3 or more days - can be sped up by adding a little distilled water.

Mix all ingredients along with enough flour to make a sticky mixture, and whatever amount of water necessary, in a small amounts, to obtain a spreadable sticky mixture.

If Black Salve gets too dry in container then just add a little distilled or otherwise pure water, a drop or two at a time until desired consistency.

Most really good Health Stores will have Black Salve behind the counter, not on shelf, just ask them for it.

One thing you need to know, I have a very close friend who is an MD, who has been monitoring me during all of this. I have had a good laugh or two watching him when he would examine me.

He did not know much about "Witch Doctoring". The two cancers have now dropped off and he is very impressed with the results. I hope you never need to apply any of this, but if you do, at least you will think of me. If I'm wrong, well we will see.

The Dr. was a little freaked by what my Black Salve had done. He said the Salve took about 3/4 more than he would have taken, which to me, meant he would "not" have gotten it all, so I'm very pleased with what I did and its results. If I had of let him do it, I would of had a situation just like Dad's.

The spot on my forearm looked okay, also. He did and I'm required to have full body scans every six weeks now. The next step is to get a cat scan of my liver, lungs, & brain. Once I have the cat scan and if shows okay, then I'll be working on the cure, info in book that I sent you title of. I really hope you get this book and read it.

There are two little 9 volt battery machines that are simple to build and I know you could do that and the cure, which I have run a cross in New Mexico and the Cherokees in North Carolina used the herbs that I'm going to use.

They are nothing more than the green Rhine juice from the Black Wall nut, like we would get our hands stained with as kids that is #1 herb, Wormwood Herb, you grow yourself, and fresh cloves. That is all, it is that simple.

I'm real worn out, with the neck injury and about 14 hrs a day of research since this cancer stuff started. I know you don't go to the MD/Dermatologist, probably at all, so watch all your moles, scaly spots, or discolored spots. Scaly or discolored spots that seem to change, you need to check out.

The easiest way would be to get some Black Salve, some good health stores might have it if you ask, or I'll get you some and send it to you. They keep it behind the counter. Take a kitchen match, shave it flat then spread a little of the Black Salve on it.

If it is cancer, it will form a small puss circle around the spot. Just follow the info I sent last time on Black Salve. Well that is about all I've got.

Sorry Brother, shit just happens and it is okay with me. I'll probably be okay, but just in case. I'm not afraid and I think I can beat it, but if I don't, your going to have to take care of mom. Again I'm not afraid and I'm pretty sure I can handle this, I'm hoping we got it soon enough. I'll let you know more when I know more.

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What Are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?

When recognizing what are the symptoms of skin cancer, it is always advantageous to do so in the early stages than in the late stages. Early recognition can be a life-saver.

There are many symptoms associated with skin cancer. This is one of the most common, yet most dangerous types of cancers that an individual may experience. It has been established that each year in the United States there are over one million diagnoses that are directly related to skin cancer. If you were to combine all the individuals who are diagnosed with breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and even lung cancer, and compare that number to the individuals that are diagnosed with skin cancer, you would find that the skin cancer patients out number the patients of the other types of conditions. For this reason, it is important that you learn to identify the symptoms associated with skin cancer.

Early Stages of Skin Cancer

In the early stages of skin cancer, there are many distinct symptoms that may make themselves known. You should pay special attention to the following:

• You should pay special attention to the moles that you have on the body. It is essential to make a note of any changes that may occur on this skin marks. This includes changes that affect the overall size, changes that relate to the color, as well as changes that have to do with the shape.

• There are guidelines that you can use to determine if there is a cause for concern when it comes to moles. It is the "ABCD" model. This stands for "asymmetry", "borders", "color", and "diameter". If you notice any changes relating to moles and other skin markings that are affected in such a way that any of the areas that are part of the "ABCD" model are affected, it is essential to seek medical care.

• You should always pay special attention to the height or the overall elevation of a mole. This is especially true if that same mark on the skin had been flat in previous incidents.

• There are changes that may possibly occur on the actual surface of a mole that could indicate the onset of skin cancer. If you notice that the mole has a crust like substance, has breakage, bleeds, or releases a clear substance, you should be concerned.

• Many individuals may begin to notice that the area in and around a skin mole starts to experience a burning sensation. Many may also notice tingling and may even be tempted to scratch due to itching. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may need to consider setting up an appointment with your doctor for an examination.

• It is important to pay special attention to moles and other markings of the skin when it comes to skin cancer, but it is also important to ensure that you consider the areas around the marks as well. Be sure to watch for redness and tenderness. You will also want to be careful when it comes to changes as far as coloring is concerned.

Late Stages of Skin Cancer

In the late stages of skin cancer, there are many symptoms that one should pay special attention to. This is true even if you have never been diagnosed with skin cancer. It could just be that the early symptoms were not quite noticeable. The following represents the symptoms that you may discover:

• Many may notice that they experience pain in the location of where a mole is located on the skin. This pain may or may not be accompanied by skin breakage, bleeding, and even the oozing of a clear substance.

• The lymph nodes located in the area of the neck, groin, and even in the armpit may become swollen.

• Many may discover that they develop a persistent cough that may or may not be accompanied with mild to severe weight loss.

• Headaches are often an indication of a serious underlying issue if any other symptoms of skin cancer are present. This is especially true if they are accompanied by seizures.

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Skin Cancer Symptoms of Malignant Melanoma Caused by Too Much UV Light

There is a definite relationship with skin cancer or a more serious form called malignant melanoma to excessive sun tanning, and not using protective lotions that block harmful UV light rays from damaging your skin. This can lead to cancer of the skin especially if excessive amounts of sun tanning takes place throughout your life. How does your body tan? This is the skins natural way of protecting itself. Before we continue, you should know that there are two main types of skin cancers: basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer.

Severe cases of malignant melanoma don't happen after one or two sessions of sun tanning. This skin disease takes place as exposed areas of your skin are continually subject to the harmful effects of UV light rays. It make take 15 to 23 years before you begin to experience the damaging effects of the sun or start showing signs and symptoms of melanomas.

When you see pictures, you will notice different photos each depicting what this type of cancer looks like. The most evident may be the changes in the coloration of the skin. Sometimes symptoms of skin cancer may surface by the appearance of a sore, a lump under the skin, or a scaly rough skin surface.

This form of cancer is more common in people with light colored skin. These are people who have generally spent more time sun tanning. Melanoma is a more sever case of skin disease where malignant cells invade the normal cells that protect the skin called melanocytes.

Because the skin is made of two layers, the epidermis which contains melanin that causes the skin to have color (the outer surface) and dermis the (inner layer), it usually starts on the outer surface affecting the ability of the epidermis to protect the body i.e., neck, arm, legs, back.

This type of cancer in a more advanced stage called malignant melanoma, and when diagnosed early, you have a greater chance of survival and success. Malignant melanomas symptoms may show as changes in a mole size, shape, or color; bleeding moles, or moles that itch, or feel sensitive to the touch. Most doctors will examine the mole by cutting a piece of it out. This procedure allows the physician to examine the suspected tissue for cancerous cells.

Typical Treatment May Include:

The most common treatment is a surgical process in which the doctor has to remove the cancer. However, if it has become mastastic, spreading to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, your doctor may recommend a combination of treatments to include the use of chemo, immunotherapy, and radiation treatment. Once the affect area of the skin has been removed, the patient may have to undergo a skin draft for medical and cosmetic purposes.

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Skin Cancer News

Everyone is at risk to develop skin cancer. Recent publication of new research has raised concern about those of us who spend a great deal of our time outside in the sun for fun or work. Dr. Darrell Rigel of New York University looked at a select group of adults with out door summer jobs three years in a row.

The staggering news was that we are 5 to 20 times more likely to develop melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer, with more and more time in the sun. They were able to identify six risk factors that led to greater sun exposure and greater risk of skin cancer. It is very simple. The more of these risk factors you have the greater the risk.

Risk factors that the study identified were:

1. An outdoor summer job.
2. History of blistering sunburn
3. Having naturally red or blond hair
4. Freckling of the upper back
5. Personal history of previous melanoma
6. History of actinic keratosis

The study participants were 18 to 70 years of age, a good sampling across a broad range. Having fair skin or a past history of two or more episodes of blistering sunburn confirm our previous understanding of how those innocent events lead to greater risk of skin cancer. Actinic keratosis is a form of sun damaged skin that can be a precancerous condition. The skin remembers or accumulates sun damage over a lifetime in many small installments. The average lifetime risk of developing a melanoma is relatively low at 1.5%.

Having even one of these risk factors increased the odds by more than twice to 3-5%. Dr Rigel's study actually looked at over 40 risk factors but these six were the only ones that correlated closely with more frequent skin cancer. An interesting note is that age alone without a history of excessive sun exposure was not a risk factor. Editorial comments by Dr Rigel summarized that the real risks are simply "genetic susceptibility and exposure to ultraviolet light".

These findings emphasize the need for preventive measures when spending time outdoors. Liberal and frequent use of sunscreens and appropriate clothing to minimize the damaging effects of excessive sun exposure is critical. In the future there may be other more sophisticated ways to decrease our susceptibility. For now basic common sense and consistent use of inexpensive tools like sunscreens and sun block can make the difference in a life free of skin cancer.

As a physician with over thirty years of clinical experience in the fields of general/family practice, occupational medicine, and urgent care, I have an interest in promoting healthy living and inspiring people to reach their life goals.

"The Owner's Manual for Allergy Relief" is intended to be a primer for people who struggle with allergy issues. It explains in easy to understand terms how to recognize and understand allergies. It discusses common triggers that evoke symptoms in the hypersensitive individual in order to prevent and manage their symptoms. This is the first of a series of concise Owner's Manuals with practical tips for healthy living. I've authored a mystery novel "Turnabout by Bruce Kaler M.D." that follows a surgeon whose life is turned upside down by a wrongful death malpractice lawsuit brought by his vengeful ex-girlfriend. He struggles to find the truth for which he is ill prepared.

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